My Poor Neglected 101 List.

April 23, 2009.  That was my last update for this sad little blog.  I've thought often about my 101 list over the months.  I wish I could say I've accomplished a lot of work on this list in the almost-two-year-absence.  My life has changed so much since I started it.  I look back on it with a bit of sadness too.  So many things I wish I could have changed in my day-to-day life.  But a new year is upon me, and I would love to take a fresh new stab at this list and get myself motivated again to be a better me.  I'm going to take a quick look through my list, update what I can, scratch things that no longer make sense, and add some new items.  I know it's very cliche, but here's to a New Year and a New Me!