#50 - Clean out my car once a month

I know, I know. I should probably clean out my car more than once a month. But I like to clean my car out about as much as I like running on the treadmill. Before child, I never had the cleanest car. After child, it looks like a national disaster hit.

I also used to be one of those people before kids that said "I will never let my child it in his/her carseat" after seeing how gross those things can get from some of my friends' kids. Once I had a child, that got thrown out the window pretty fast. I would rather hand her a sippy cup of milk than listen to her cry "milk, milk, MIIIILLLLKKK" over and over the entire car ride. I've also been known to hand her grapes or dried apricots and the occasional snack. (Yes, in the back of my head I still have that awful "what-if-she-chokes-while-I'm driving" fear).

While cleaning out the car for January, I think I honestly found a full container worth of puffs under the seats. I also found other random food items, missing barrettes, a few rocks, chapstick, and lots of spare change. I even went so far as to pull the carseat into the house, vacuum it out, and scrub out all the milk-dried stains. I then took the car up to the car wash for a good detailing, after my attempt to vacuum it out and wipe it down wasn't producing great results.

Here's my proof!


Squid Girl said...

Here's a start to your item # 94 on your list (Research and start using rechargeable batteries). They can be recycled at www.call2recycle.org. It's free, easy, and good for the environment. There's more resources on that site too. Like battery charging tips.