It's-Been-A-While Type of an Update

I've been keeping up with my 101 Things, I just have been a little lazy about posting about them. So here goes, a nice mass update.

#7 - One day of each week, no Internet, except as necessary for job search/work

I've decided I hate this goal as it is currently written! When I wrote this, my intentions were to cut back on how much I am on the Internet. Well, my "Internet free one day a week" was becoming more of a hassle. I would ask DH to check the weather for me. Or I would ask him to pull up a great recipe sitting in my Inbox. I was checking email on my phone. Basically, I was being sneaky and trying to get my fix any way I could.

Even with my one day a week away from the Internet, I was still on my laptop all the time. I probably spend anywhere from 3 - 4 hours a day surfing away. I also find that I often will "just check" a few things out while the kiddo is running around. So I think I am going to change this task. Still mulling it over, but here are a few options:

Limit Internet time to two hours per day, except as necessary for job search/work.


Limit Internet time to only early morning, nap time, or late evening.

Any thoughts on how I should work on my addiction?

#32 - Date Night with Hubby at Least Once a Month
February 2009

DH and I went out on Friday, February 13th with another couple to a great wine bar. There we ordered in sushi and I had two (2!) glasses of a fantastic Riesling. Afterwards, we met up with another couple and attended The Big Damn Band concert. The later event was not planned at all, and it turned out to be a pretty fun time!

#40 - Try one new recipe each month

I've come to realize this task has been the easiest one so far, and I should probably tweak it to make it more challenging. Since we have started meal planning each week, we have been going through our cookbooks every weekend and picking out new things to try. We usually pick from our Weight Watcher or Lickety Split Meals cookbooks, as these have the healthiest recipes. And we probably try at least 2 - 3 new recipes each week right now! My favorites so far have been the White Bean Salad on Feta Pita Crisps. DH also made a Curry Chicken Stew that surprised both of us with how yummy it was. I imagine that once we make it through the cookbooks, we will start circling around and repeating some of our favorite recipes. But for now, this former eat-out-all-the-time family is having fun with new recipes.

#41 - Try one new restaurant each month

This month we tried Zoes Kitchen for lunch one day. And then I made DH take me back the very next day because I enjoyed it so much! They are a small chain, but I had never heard of them before. Their philosophy is "Eat Smart. Eat Fresh." I love this concept! The food was awesome and it worked well with my healthier eating plan. Just thinking about it makes me hungry right now....maybe I should start with breakfast though.

#70 - Taken Ten Yoga Classes
February 9th (my birthday) - Class #6
February 16th - Class #7

You think I would have learned with Class #6 that it's not a super smart idea to run 4 miles on the treadmill and head into class dripping with sweat. But no, I did the same thing again for Class #7. Although I did plan to get to the gym even earlier to I could cool down a bit before class, but it's hard to be at the gym at 5:00 a.m. I was proud enough I made it there at 5:15 a.m. (yoga starts at 6:00 a.m.). I wanted to run before class so that I could get home, shower, eat, and relax before kiddo wakes up. Still not enjoying yoga as much as I had hoped I would.

#78 - Offer to babysit for my friends at least 5 times

DH and I did not have plans to go out on Valentine's Day. Since we'd be staying home, I offered to babysit for about six (yes 6!) different moms (from my Margarita Mamas group). Only one mom took me up on the offer! Amelia is 17 months old, and was the best kid I ever, ever watched (and I did tons of babysitting in high school). Poor TemTem had a major case of jealousy. She did not want Amelia to sit in my lap or play with her toys. She kept whining "Moooommmmmmaaaa!" Amelia's parents just went to the movies, so it was a quick night. And I get to mark this goal as in progress.

#90 - Go without a bag at the store or purchase an additional reusable bag if I forget to bring mine

I should have marked this as In Progress last month. I've been really good about this. I've only had to purchase 1 new reusable bag so far. On occasion, I've found that I am stuck and still need to get a plastic bag. But I always recycle the plastic bag. And I've been known to often just tell the clerk at a store that I don't need a bag at all if I've forgotten my reusable one. We even have extra reusable bags in DH's car. The good news here is that we always use our reusable bags at the grocery store. And we even get a five cents per bag credit for using our own.

Enough updates for today! I will be back soon with hopefully a few more. My own personal goal is to mark at least one goal "Completed" this month!


Kameron said...

I want those 2 recipes you mentioned!!! I am trying to eat healthier too, but don't have any eating light kind of cook books. I look on the internet but I get bogged down by how much I have to sift through.

Great job on your goals list. I didn't like yoga either, except prenatal yoga. I wanted to like it, but I'm more of a run listening to loud music person than a relax and look like a retard in front of a bunch of flexible people person!

As for the internet issue, i have the smae problem. When I am in between incubation periods for my assays at work I'm on the net, and sometimes I should even be doing work and I put it off to surf. I think not to be strict with a time limit, but maybe times of the day would be good.