#40 - Try one new recipe each month

I set this goal up as a monthly task, but I think I will be able to do this at least 2 - 3 times a month.


  1. Monday, January 5th - New recipe was a Rosemary Lemon Chicken. It came from my Healthy Cooking for Two recipe books. It was alright, but nothing to right home about. It likely won't become one of our regular meals. I did get to use fresh rosemary from my little rosemary tree that is on its last leg though!
  2. Tuesday, January 6th - Wow, we are on a role! Tonight's new recipe was much tastier. It was Creamy Dijon Chicken from my Lickety-Split Meals for Health Conscious People on the Go cook book (that's a mouthful). We had it with egg noodles and asparagus. Yum!