#6 - One day of each week, do not watch TV

Yeah, I can mark this one as In Progress now.

Our first no TV day was Sunday, January 5th. TemTem is really into movies right now (against my better judgement, I know, but we are trying to limit it to one a day). So when she asked for a movie, we lied (bad parents) and told her we lost the remote control. We could not contain our laughter when she came running to us yelling "Yeah, TemTem found it!" DH had hidden it under a couch cushion, and I guess she was determined to find it! Still, we didn't cave and the TV stayed off.

It was a nice quite day, and I actually read a bit as well. It wasn't as tough as I thought it would be, and it definitely was an eye-opener as to how much we have the TV on for background noise.