End of Week 1 Update

I have a confession to make. I think I may have messed up a little already on some of my "weekly" goals - all those goals where I said I wanted to accomplish X at least once a week.

If I follow the calendar weeks, Week 1 was Thursday, January 1st - Saturday, January 3rd, with Week 2 starting Sunday, January 4th. That means my first week I would have only had 3 days to complete several tasks.

If I follow my own "personal" Week 1, it would have started Thursday, January 1st and wouldn't end until this coming Wednesday, January 7th.

I think to give myself the benefit of it all, I may for the first week count my deeds through January 7th. And at the same time, Week 2 will start on Sunday, January 4th. So there will be some overlap and some things I will have to double up on this coming week to be on course.

Enough rambling!

I've started on a few tasks, but nothing significant enough that requires lots of attention. I've been caffeine-free and chocolate-free for three days now and am ready to go crazy! I've also (barely) remembered to take my vitamin each day as well. I went about doing an "eco-friendly" goal that I thought I listed but didn't, so I'm just giving myself a good pat on the back for changing most the light bulbs in the place so far to the energy efficient ones. And hubby and I went on a date this past Friday night. I think I will add a quick extra post just so I jot down the "date" logistics.

And the hardest thing I think for me to try and accomplish on this list is no internet once a week. I'm fully admitting that I'm addicted to the Internet. Every spare moment not with Temperance, I run over to the computer. It's sad. It's like a drug. I will have to work hard on this one!