#55 - No internet purchases for one entire month

I was doing so well. 13 days with no Internet purchases. That's probably a record for me. And it's super hard for me too. But this is also a super important one for us since I still have not found employment and need to keep extra spending to a minimum.

What was just so important that I had to purchase? I attend on a somewhat regular basis Metro Mom events in Dallas. The event I'm going to is presented by a local Professor and is called "Sensitive Parenting: Forming a growth-promoting relationship with your child." You can only pay for the event through PayPal, so it's most definitely an Internet purchase.

My goal for the rest of the month is still to make no more purchases, and then we move on to February and see what happens.


Kameron said...

It seems like a worthy cause for spending! It's not like you bought clothes or something!

Jennifer said...

You are doing really well and the purchase you made sounds as though it is definitely worth it.