What’s It All About?

The Mission
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).

Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as New Year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.

Why 1001 Days for Me?
I’m tired of creating the same old New Year’s Resolutions each year, that simply get pushed to the wayside come February or March of the New Year. I wanted to try something just a little bit different. I wanted to do something fun and challenging at the same time too. I decided to create a separate blog to track my goals on a regular basis. Talk about putting it all out there! I’m nervous and excited to start this project. Making this list made me stop, think, and evaluate who I am and how I can make “me” a better person.

Some of these goals just might not be attainable, but it’s all good. For every goal not reached, I will donate at least $2 (or more depending on finances) to a charity of my choice. Maybe I can inspire at least one other person to start his/her own list as well.

The 101 Things To Do in 1001 Days project was created by Triplux. I was inspired to get my butt in gear and give this a go by several fellow bloggers (Kameron @ A Wrinkle in Time, Heather @ Adventures of Aidanpod, and Liz @ Loving Mom 2 Boys). I did borrow many "things" from the lists of other bloggers :) My

January 1, 2009 through September 29, 2011

The Key
Not Started
In Progress
Accomplished (with date)

My 101 Things to do in 1001 Days

Be a Better Me
1. Identify 5 bad habits and work on getting rid of them.
2. Identify 20 things I like about myself
3. Identify 100 things that make me happy
4. Make one new real friend
5. Visit 10 new churches
6. One day of each week, do not watch TV
7. One day of each week, no Internet, except as necessary for job search/work
8. Research & determine timeframe on becoming a surrogate

Be Knowledgeable
9. Read 20 books, any kind I want
10. Read 5 non-fiction books
11. Read 2 books with husband and discuss
12. Read Nikon camera manual
13. Read Sigma lens manual
14. Take a beginner sewing class
15. Re-hone my German skills
16. Learn how to use PhotoShop to edit pictures
17. Learn 50 countries, their capitals, and their leaders
18. Attend one blogging conference

Be a Family
19. Put daughter's postcards into a photo album
20. Buy a bicycle trailer for my daughter and go on a bike ride
21. Fly a kite in the park with my daughter
22. Take daughter berry picking at least twice
23. Have at least two family picnics
24. Dress up for Halloween with a theme for the family
25. Take daughter to her first movie in a theater
26. Take daughter fishing
27. Build a sand castle with my daughter
28. Search for beach glass on Lake Michigan with daughter
29. Teach daughter all 50 states and their capitals
30. Give daughter a sibling

Be Adventurous
31. Visit 3 new states or 1 new country
32. Date night with husband at least once a month
33. Attend a dinner/wine-tasting event
34. Host a party
35. Have a spa day with my sisters
36. Send a postcard to PostSecret
37. Participate in 20 Postcrossings
38. Watch 20 movies on IMDB's Top 250 list
39. Take a cooking class with a friend
40. Try one new recipe each month
41. Try one new restaurant each month
42. Watch the sun rise and set five times each

Be an Organizing Junkie
43. Organize my “Contacts” List and sync with my phone
44. Re-vamp the household filing system for efficiency
45. Back-up pictures on external hard drive once a month
46. Organize daughter's vaccination/medical file
47. Place at least one item on Freecycle once a month
48. Add jewelry to rider on insurance
49. Clean the fridge out completely once a month
50. Clean out my car once a month

Be Professional
51. Find a paying job
52. Find a paying job that I enjoy
53. Find a mentor in my field of employment
54. Teach myself to do pivot tables and vLookups in Excel

Be Frugal
55. No internet purchases for one entire month
56. No kid clothing purchases for one entire month
57. Organize bills through MS Money
58. Move 401K money from old employer into my Roth-IRA
59. Sign-up with a company to monitor credit report

Be Healthy
60. Take a multi-vitamin every day for 6 months
61. Floss often enough that the hygienist can see an improvement next checkup
62. Go caffeine-free (drinks) for 6 months (not chocolate)
63. Go chocolate-free for one entire month
64. Drink nothing but water for 1 month
65. No eating after 8:00 p.m. for one month
66. Make ****** doctor's appointment
67. Complete a ½ marathon
68. Fit back into my skinny jeans (even if they are out of style)
69. Go to bed before 11:00 p.m. at least once a week
70. Take ten yoga classes
71. Try 5 new exotic fruits that I've never had
72. Get serious about skincare

Be Giving
73. Pay for someone behind me in the drive thru
74. Participate in 2 volunteer opportunities
75. Send a hand-written note to a friend once a month
76. Send a gift to someone in the mail for no reason
77. Plan a girl's trip somewhere for my big sister's 40th birthday
78. Offer to babysit for my friends at least 5 times
79. Give up a parking space in a crowded lot to the person behind me
80. Let someone in front of me at the grocery store ten times
81. Put change in someone’s expired meter
82. Compliment ten complete strangers
83. Make 3 dresses to send to Little Dresses for Africa
84. Make a list of all family/friend birthdays and send them a card
85. Leave 100% tip at a restaurant for exceptional service
86. Put flowers on someone's grave who I don't know
87. Buy a gift for 3 children for the Christmas Angel/Salvation Army program
88. Convince someone to become an organ donor
89. Get two family members to join Facebook

Be Eco-Friendly
90. Go without a bag at the store or purchase an additional reusable bag if I forget to bring mine
91. Install 3 Smart Strip Power Strips in the house
92. Phase out non eco-friendly household cleaners
93. Plant one tree
94. Research and start using rechargeable batteries
95. Start composting
96. Use eco-friendly/cloth diapers for baby #2

Be a Memory Keeper
97. Take an “us" picture every month
98. Convert the first two year’s of Temperance blog entries into a scrapbook
99. Record Grandmother's and Grandfather's siblings names in one central location
100. Create a wall of photos for one room in the house
101. Keep a journal of my 101 completed tasks (blog)


Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

Woo Hoo!! I can comment :)

Kameron said...

Great job Brooke! I am changing one of my goals and borrowing one of yours to do it. I am just irritated with that stupid word of the day goal! I'll keep ya motivated if you'll do the same for me!

Heather said...

Wow, great list Brooke!!! I love your items... may have to borrow some too, since I didn't make 101 in the first place. And, um, you've inspired me to re-look at some of the items that our lists have in common. I forgot I had put "clean out my fridge" on mine. I think I've done that once since I started!

Love that you're wanting to be a surrogate! I want to hear more about that!!!